Work togheter to acheive new life goals, and make your inner self go outside

Let the inherit energy of your self flow in the right direction, with these worskshops you can see your truly self and embrace new horizons.

What is fear, stress, depression and anxiety.
Different types of fears are defined. Fear of death, abandonment, etc.
Duration 90 minutes.

How a limiting belief is created.
Using different types of questions to identify the negative beliefs and identifying which areas are affected.
Exercise of how to identify a belief and how to deactivate it.
Duration 90 minutes.

The 16 aspects to verify couple compatibility are explained and it is suggested how to create agreements where both parties agree.
The basic principles of non-violent communication are also discussed. This will give you tools to have a better relationship with your partner. Agreements can be made between the participants to give examples.
Duration 90 minutes.

Tapping is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as psychological acupressure.
Explanation of tapping and the points used for tapping.
Tapping exercise with examples.
Duration 60 minutes.

Make connections with the inner child to reconnect with what is essential as a human being.
Duration 60 minutes.

Being able to identify thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms and the message that the body wants to give us through how it manifests itself.
Duration 60 minutes.

Guided exercise to find the situation you want to forgive.
2 and a half hours.

This is divided into 5 classes of 60 minutes each.
1. Emotional diagnosis of grief.
2. How do previous losses relate to the current grief?
3. Inventory of fears, guilt identifying your emotions related to this loss.
4. Relieve the pain of grief.
5. Finding the meaning for this grief or loss.

A Family Constellation is a therapeutic process that is carried out in a group and that works on the deepest part of our consciousness and reveals the hidden family dynamics that we have.
The impact of transgenerational trauma in your life is cleaned.
Helps identify and dissolve the loyalties and blocks that are holding you back.


”A very positive experience.

It has been a fortune for my life to have the opportunity to meet Olga Lucia. I am very impressed by the level of clarity that Olga has in the visible world and not physically visible and having this extraordinary gift to be at the same time very humble.

The quantity and quality of the different tools and the flexibility of its application in her therapy are really impressive. In the last sessions I had with Olga Lucia I felt an enormous evolution in her therapies – short, powerful, effective and “straight to the point” without any deviation. And as a friend in common said when he recommended me to make a family constellation guided by Olga Lucia in 2011 “this was going to change my life”, I really wanted to express that it happened and in a very positive way.

Thank you for the teachings that have had a very profound impact on me and I understand for many more.”


Mary D. Moreno


”A very positive experience.

It has been a fortune for my life to have the opportunity to meet Olga Lucia. I am very impressed by the level of clarity that Olga has in the visible world and not physically visible and having this extraordinary gift to be at the same time very humble.

The quantity and quality of the different tools and the flexibility of its application in her therapy are really impressive. In the last sessions I had with Olga Lucia I felt an enormous evolution in her therapies – short, powerful, effective and “straight to the point” without any deviation. And as a friend in common said when he recommended me to make a family constellation guided by Olga Lucia in 2011 “this was going to change my life”, I really wanted to express that it happened and in a very positive way.

Thank you for the teachings that have had a very profound impact on me and I understand for many more.”


Christina Miller

New York

Any Questions? contact me