About Olga Lucia Salinas

Born in Colombia, Dr. Salinas got her M.D. at the Universidad del Bosque in Bogota, Colombia. In addition to this, she is a Certified Thanatologist from Asociación de Tanatologia Morelos, México, Access Bars Facilitator and Practitioner, Certified Emotional Success Coach an Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, has studied alternative therapies such as Matrix Reimprinting, cellular memory release, family constellations, regressive reconstructive therapy, acupuncture, homotoxicology, flower essences, metamorphic massage, and reiki among others.
With the tools she has acquired from her academic, professional, and personal growth experience, she has developed a unique therapy that allows patients to recognize and discover the past, heal back the roots, accept and relearn from those experiences, leave behind what is not needed and update the information learned from this past so that it does not continue to affect the present.
These therapies help improve self-esteem, relationships, overcome emotional breakdowns, overcome personal loss (physical or economic), and any situation that prevents progress from unfolding and manifesting its potential.
Dr. Olga is fluent in both English and Spanish.
My purpose is to guide you through life’s challenges in an empathetic and understanding way.
My mission with you is that through therapy you will be able to understand and love yourself. Opening an opportunity to live life from a different perspective.
My vision is to be able to contribute with therapy to help you achieve a broader and happier life.
- Medical Doctor (General Practitioner), Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia June 14 1.991
- Thanatologist from Thanatologist from Asociación de Tanatologia Morelos, México June 28 2022.
- Certified Access Bars Facilitator and Practitioner December 2017
- Certified Emotional Success Coach Nefti July 2016
- Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner Netfi July 2016
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner June 2016
- Family Constellations Ingala Robl, Carmen Palacio Serres, Jacque Tencé and many more 2009 – 2013
- Positive Discipline for Parents and Teachers Gigliola Nuñez 2009
- Cellular Memory Release, Non-Violent Communication Luis Angel Diaz 2008
- Escuela de Magia del Amor Gerardo Schmedling 1998 -2004
- Homotoxicology Heel Colombia 2000 – 2005
- Sacred Geometry Polyhedrons Dr Santiago Rojas 2005
- Reiki, Reiki Master Patricia Zorrilla 1999
- Metamorphic Massage 1999
- Bach Flower Remedies Dr Santiago Rojas 1996
- Flower Essences Remedies Dr Santiago Rojas 1995
Your session allowed me to heal wounds from my past
Your session allowed me to heal wounds from my past, forgive others and me, as well as initiate the connection with the universe, earth and life! I am grateful to you Olga for your dedication and effort and the special care you gave for me.
A very positive experience
It has been a fortune for my life to have the opportunity to meet Olga Lucia. I am very impressed by the level of clarity that Olga has in the visible world and not physically visible and having this extraordinary gift to be at the same time very humble. The quantity and quality of the different tools and the flexibility of its application in her therapy are really impressive. In the last sessions I had with Olga Lucia I felt an enormous evolution in her therapies – short, powerful, effective and “straight to the point” without any deviation. And as a friend in common said when he recommended me to make a family constellation guided by Olga Lucia in 2011 “this was going to change my life”, I really wanted to express that it happened and in a very positive way. Thank you for the teachings that have had a very profound impact on me and I understand for many more.
The feelings of bliss, content, and relief started to take over my body
She was able to bring all of my hurt to the surface, and little by little, with Olga’s help, I was able to start letting go of all of these thoughts and feelings that have tormented me for so many years. By the end of our session, I felt completely exposed and raw, but the feelings of bliss, content, and relief started to take over my body in beautiful wave after wave, and I remember saying to Olga that my chest felt empty, as if this huge weight had been lifted from my being. It was honestly the best day of my life because it freed me of the pain that lay within me all of these years.