Dr. Olga Salinas is a transformational holistic therapist with over 20 years of experience. Olga was first trained as a medical doctor then she expanded her skills to alternative therapies.


Born in Colombia, Dr. Salinas got her M.D. at the Universidad del Bosque in Bogota, Colombia. In addition to this, she is a Certified Thanatologist from Asociación de Tanatologia Morelos, México, Access Bars Facilitator and Practitioner, Certified Emotional Success Coach an Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, has studied alternative therapies such as Matrix Reimprinting, cellular memory release, family constellations, regressive reconstructive therapy, acupuncture, homotoxicology, flower essences, metamorphic massage, and reiki among others.


Supporting your transformational journey towards wholeness
When we are born we forget our Divine essence, we feel lost, we struggle and suffer, and we wonder if there’s more in this reality. The journey begins when we acknowledge our humanity and go to our heart to awaken our consciousness to honor our Soul and connect with our authentic human-spiritual self feeling whole again and share the light within.


With the tools she has acquired from her academic, professional, and personal growth experience, she has developed a unique therapy that allows patients to recognize and discover the past, heal back the roots, accept and relearn from those experiences, leave behind what is not needed and update the information learned from this past so that it does not continue to affect the present.

These therapies help improve self-esteem, relationships, overcome emotional breakdowns, overcome personal loss (physical or economic), and any situation that prevents progress from unfolding and manifesting its potential.

You have succeeded when all you really want is only what you really need.

- Vernon Howard

See Olga's Testimonials

Hear it from others:

“I have known Dr. Olga Salinas for about 7 years, when I began to attend her study groups on Friday’s, from these groups I decided to take sessions with her. Each session with Olga Lucia has been an opportunity to heal, to achieve greater security and confidence in myself, to have a better relationship with myself, with my family and a better performance at work. I’m grateful to life to have found Olga Lucia in this process of accompanying me, guiding me and allowing me to have the tools, through their varied techniques, to always feel better and to connect more with life. Each session with her is a real gain and an opportunity to grow and heal. I deeply appreciate her commitment, her professionalism, her dedication and when the session finish I tell her: “Thanks for all the good received.” 

Diana Margarita Manosalba Correal

Bogota, Colombia

”A very positive experience.

It has been a fortune for my life to have the opportunity to meet Olga Lucia. I am very impressed by the level of clarity that Olga has in the visible world and not physically visible and having this extraordinary gift to be at the same time very humble.

The quantity and quality of the different tools and the flexibility of its application in her therapy are really impressive. In the last sessions I had with Olga Lucia I felt an enormous evolution in her therapies – short, powerful, effective and “straight to the point” without any deviation. And as a friend in common said when he recommended me to make a family constellation guided by Olga Lucia in 2011 “this was going to change my life”, I really wanted to express that it happened and in a very positive way.

Thank you for the teachings that have had a very profound impact on me and I understand for many more.”

Christina Miller

New York

studies and certifications